This Mother's Birthday & Mother's Day Wish List

No, it's not a typo. This is my week. Today is my birthday. And Sunday is my day too.....because in the UK, it's Mother's Day!  I mean honestly, when God smiles on me, he literally rains glitter on my head!! So...people, listen up. I have heard your cries from on high.....the "I don't know what to buy Tanaka, she has such specific tastes etc etc"ones.

Well, here it is - a definitive guide to what I am lusting after right now:

1. Zara E-Gift Card
Because it's my second address.

2. Converse Chucks
Because like my mentor Victoria Beckham, I've realised running after toddlers in heels is overrated & life threatening.

3.  A Watch
Because mine went missing in Zim & I haven't told Kola yet. It has high sentimental value...more for me really. I'd really like to replace it before he finds out. Thanks! 

4. Mother or Faking It Sweatshirt
For the days I look a mess. People can just read the word & immediately understand what's going on.
And you'll be giving to charity at the same time - all round good feelings!

5. Beauty Products

Because I want to be beautiful

6. Jewellery
Gone are the days of collapsing into Topshop on sale day. I'm a real grown up now.
I'm currently obsessed with all manner of cuff bracelets. The below is the ultimate crush but you can use it as a guide.  Bring on the bling!!

7. Style Books
Because in my dreams I have time to read. In reality I just about manage to look at a few pictures in the magazines I subscribe to. These books don't have an issue month emblazoned across the front to remind me of how long it's been since I read something longer than an Instagram post. And they have pictures. Thus striking the right balance.

8. Time 
Make it stand still so I can catch up on whats been happening in the world since I embarked on this journey of sleep deprivation. Failing that, a weekend Spa break, European short break, 1 week Tuscany villa holiday, or 2 week beach holiday would do. Take your pick based on your budget.

I'll be waiting by my door with my other address ( open on my computer too. All angles covered!

You're welcome! 

The Birthday Girl

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  1. Happy Birthday! Lool @the Zara gift card. I definitely expected that.... and those Converse are a need. I just got one and loving it. TBH the whole list is a need. Xx

    1. Hehe! You know it wouldn't be a genuine list if a zara giftcard was missing! Thanks for the birthday wishes hun xxx
