London's Calling...again!

it's been a while since i've seen mummy as excited as she was last night. outfits were hurriedly put together, changing bags packed, dad summoned to bring the mega pram down from the attic where he was hoping it'd be stuck till the return of our Lord and Saviour, and us enticed to our beds with the promise of"something exciting happening tomorrow!". outfit pictures were even taken and posted on instagram - it's been a while since that happened i'll tell you!

so what was happening today? daddy took the day off & they said it was a surprise for me! daddy moaned about the mega pram. he asked about the cheap little buggy. mummy said it's now in zim. hmm.i didn't think we could do a quick detour on our way to london so mega pram was coming. mummy did a quick back flip with a triple axl somersault. she also got to paint her nails in the car because daddy was driving - hmmm...who was going to be at this place? she went so far as to do her make-up. GAME ON. excitement was now at fever pitch!

we parked our car at a place called perivale and jumped on the tube. but not before mummy and daddy huffed and puffed with the pram up 3 flights of stairs. mummy avoided eye contact with daddy as she imagined how much easier that fold up buggy would've been. she consoled herself by thinking of a) how happy the woman she gave that buggy to was & b) how all this exercise was keeping her nice and warm on this otherwise cold day! yes, this was good!

next stop was oxford circus! are we in oxford? is there a circus? oh, we are now headed to picadilly circus...whoa, these are the fastest crosscountry trains ever! i can't wait to get to this circus! but not before more huffing and puffing and eye contact avoidance. finally at the circus...

but there are no clowns, no tent, no animals, just the biggest crowd of people. maybe they are all looking for the circus too. disappointing times! "Shaftesbury Avenue!" says dad and we continue to move in a circle...on the spot. maybe thats why it's called a circus...everyone is holding maps, chatting in different languages, smiling sheepishly as they bump into eachother and trying to look like this is their hood. uh huh. "Google maps!", says mum but dad has found it & off we go!

RAINFOREST CAFE! I was so excited! we were greeted and taken down to the restaurant area - but not before I eyed up a cute pink teddy. mummy excitedly brought it down for me (she loves a memento). then she saw £20 and put it back. a teenage boy was eyeing up a £35 tshirt behind us & his mum advised him to keep his money in his pocket. she called him poppet. not sure he approved.

we had a fantastic meal, seated next to 2 very obliging elephants. one of them let me touch his ear - he did turn and look at me which scared me a little.

 we all managed to eat something we loved which was great = i had macaroni cheese, daddy a burger & fries, mummy sea bass & mash and judah ham & cheese pasta. i don't know what mummy was expecting but she kept exclaiming how good the food was! it sure was yummy. the whole restaurant is done up like a rainforest. at first i thought we really were in the rainforest. i'm still not decided because i don't think those elephants can live in a restaurant. hmm.

mummy had had grand plans of exploring london a little more with us but the thought of those steps waiting for us was enough to get her back on daddys one way street...but not before i spotted this weird looking policeman! i just had to mimic him!

i was fast asleep by the time we got home. i'm still asleep actually. i bet you're wondering how i'm writing this article? a true lady never gives away her secrets!

what i wore:

dress:  designed by my best friend's mummy! we love it so much and have been waiting for an opportunity to wear it. she's busy designing her first full collection - we can't wait! follow her on instagram - @bouncyboots

coat: laredoute given to me by the same awesome lady! 

tights: tinycottons (last season) nothing similar

boots: zarakids (last season) nothing similar

what mummy wore

i'll make it painless - all zara, all last season, all bought in the sale online & not available anymore. 


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