Do mummy & daddy have a life?

this last weekend has been a busy one for judah & i. between us we've had 3 birthday parties to attend! i heard mummy chatting to one of the mums at the 1st party about how hectic this weekend was for her. i looked at her and then wandered off as my friend's mum was responding with how many kids parties she needed to attend this weekend too.

i got to thinking......what did mummy and daddy do before we came along? they moan about losing their lie-ins on a saturday. so did they just sleep all day? surely if they had things they did before, shouldn't those things still be happening? shouldn't we all be fighting for space on the calendar? they claim they used to have date night but now whenever someone offers to babysit all they want to do is sleep! i think they just slept all the time.

to my mind, we have actually given their social life a much needed boost! given them something to moan about besides monday morning and the british weather. i reckon they love it really - i see my mummy getting excited about what gift to buy & what i'll be wearing to the party.

 here are a few pics from the weekend.



for party number 1 i wore this outfit. these are my favourite shorts! the outfit was a gift from one of my parents university friends, aunty bisi. she gave it to me when we went to nigeria for christmas.

i changed for party number 2 but didn't stand long enough for mummy to get a picture. here i am with my bestie jadon:



on sunday we went to church then onto our third party after a quick stop at bills restaurant for brunch.










oh yes - mummy has changed her hair. she had a weave in before. did i ever tell you what happened there? well, mummy went for a full health check a few weeks ago. she was seen by a male nurse and a male doctor. everything was going swimmingly during the first part of her check up until the nurse asked her to take her top off. mummy hadn't thought her outfit through that day - she was wearing a tshirt. she had to lift it over her head. mummy went to take the top off and then froze as she realised what was about to happen. the only thing worse than this would have been if she was wearing a wig. nothing worse than pitching up to a place feeling swaglicious only to have all the pins holding your look together revealed to the whole world!



So....mummy said a silent prayer hoping the guy would leave the room. no, he was staying. she slid one arm out, then reached over the top to hold her fringe in place. she caught the nurse looking at her oddly - like she was some kind of spastic. she smiled sheepishly and carried on with operation "my tracks will not be seen".  she congratulated herself upon completion. she left that segment of her health check to go to see the dr. she happily mentioned long term problems she's had with migraines & the dr came round to check her eyes & head. as she clocked in on what he was about to do she wanted to shout "i'm miraculously healed!!" - but his hands were already on her head & froze as he was greeted by bumps in the hair. a few moments passed then he said "ah, i spent 20 years working in southall! came across all sorts!".  lovely, now mummy could be counted amongst the allsorts  the good dr encountered. as she drove off, mummy decided that she'd be taking this hair off. at work when it itched, she would catch her bosses eye looking puzzled at why her entire scalp seemed to move independently of her head. yep, it was truly time.

anyway, i'm off to plan my bank holiday schedule. i'm actually free - first free weekend in a long time! maybe i'll catch up on some peppa pig - we all know mummy and daddy will be sleeping!


 that cake was yuuuuuummmmy!!!!!



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