I'm a big girl now!!
I can hear you now in the living room - shouting, jumping and as excited as ever! The day you've been anticipating all year is finally here & you are 3. I'm sitting in my room, listening to you telling daddy - " I'm 3 now! 2 is gone daddy! I'm 3! Dillon had his birthday already. Now it's mine daddy." I know your daddy is so happy - he was up decorating that living room just so he could see that reaction this morning

Oh Morayo-Hope! How can you be 3 already? I remember crying everyday in the run up to your actual birth! "Where is this baby??!! Why does he / she not want to come out??!" I had become an emotional wreck. Meanwhile there you were enjoying yourself on the inside - taking advantage of the full 2 weeks they allowed you to go over the due date. Sigh. If I'd known in a blink of an eye you'd be screaming "I'm a big girl now!", I might have held on tightly to you in my tummy. Treasured those last days of us being truly inseparable.
Now as each day passes, I'm understanding why we were taught that good parenting is equipping our kids with the tools they need to leave. Because one day that's what you will do.
I'm watching as your baby chub slowly disappears. Your once round feet and hands are taking shape. Your little face is looking less like a toddler's and more like a little girl's. Trying to hold onto you, too keep you this way, is like chasing vapours. For now I'm hiding in my room desperately holding onto you as my 2yr old for a few more minutes....

My prayer for you today is that your life lives up to the names we gave you. Morayo: "I have seen joy" - May your life always be characterised by Joy. May those who see you know what true joy is & declare "I have seen joy!". Hope - and may they know the hope that Joy brings. Anashe - "one who is with The Lord"- May you always know that God is with you. (Psalm 23).
I also selfishly pray that we will always be friends. That you will never tire of our spontaneous dances in the kitchen & of our made up songs. That you will will always think I'm "the best cooker in the whole wide world!". That my jokes will still make you laugh even when you're 30. That you'll always need me for something nobody else can give - no, not my milk, seriously you are 3 now! (Stop trying it - it's been 2 whole years, get over it!)

Oh Morayo-Hope! How can you be 3 already? I remember crying everyday in the run up to your actual birth! "Where is this baby??!! Why does he / she not want to come out??!" I had become an emotional wreck. Meanwhile there you were enjoying yourself on the inside - taking advantage of the full 2 weeks they allowed you to go over the due date. Sigh. If I'd known in a blink of an eye you'd be screaming "I'm a big girl now!", I might have held on tightly to you in my tummy. Treasured those last days of us being truly inseparable.
Now as each day passes, I'm understanding why we were taught that good parenting is equipping our kids with the tools they need to leave. Because one day that's what you will do.
I'm watching as your baby chub slowly disappears. Your once round feet and hands are taking shape. Your little face is looking less like a toddler's and more like a little girl's. Trying to hold onto you, too keep you this way, is like chasing vapours. For now I'm hiding in my room desperately holding onto you as my 2yr old for a few more minutes....
My prayer for you today is that your life lives up to the names we gave you. Morayo: "I have seen joy" - May your life always be characterised by Joy. May those who see you know what true joy is & declare "I have seen joy!". Hope - and may they know the hope that Joy brings. Anashe - "one who is with The Lord"- May you always know that God is with you. (Psalm 23).
I also selfishly pray that we will always be friends. That you will never tire of our spontaneous dances in the kitchen & of our made up songs. That you will will always think I'm "the best cooker in the whole wide world!". That my jokes will still make you laugh even when you're 30. That you'll always need me for something nobody else can give - no, not my milk, seriously you are 3 now! (Stop trying it - it's been 2 whole years, get over it!)
I hope something about me being your only mum will keep you coming back to me. I love you.