That Awkward Moment....
have you ever had one of those days when you are feeling uber cool? like, you stand in front of the mirror and think "ok, stop the search! the bees knees are right here! that's right! I AM THE BEES KNEES!". then as you're walking out of your house you take another look to confirm you weren't hallucinating & sure enough - you are looking even more fly than you thought. it's a good day. mummy was having one of those "sitting on top of the world" days. as she literally bounced along listening to "Chop my money" on her iphone, she absorbed the glances of appreciation that were coming from strangers as she walked by. she imagined this must be how celebs feel. She was positively beaming as she walked towards the office. she was met by her friend who immediately asked why she had a pair of sunglasses on and a pair of sunglasses on her head. "why are you disgracing the race?" she asked. mummy distinctly remembered why. she had put those sunglasses on her head whilst getting ready in the house. then she left me at nursery and was rummaging in her bag for them when she found the other ones and just wore them without even thinking. so yes, those weren't glances of appreciation after all. **awkward** later that day, mummy was having a conversation with a different colleague (she is quite new on this department). they were trying to resolve an issue that had been going on for a while. as they went back and forth, they had a eureka moment and mummy excitedly raised her hand up for a high five. the colleague looked at her hand like "err, whats going on here?" and by the time she realised & raised her own hand, mummy had put hers down. then mummy noticed and put her hand up, but her colleagues hand was now down. mummy was feeling really hot and felt the need to make a sharp exit from the situation. but she had to stay and continue to clarify the eureka idea. she went straight to lunch from there.
she decided to stay in the staff canteen as the last thing she wanted was to bump into someone from years ago in Boots, whose name she didn't remember (yet they remember hers..). then after 5 minutes of standing in a queue clutching at any morsel of conversation she could find, they finally bid eachother farewell - avoiding the obligatory exchange of phone numbers - only to move in the same direction with no-one else in sight. no, she didn't want that to happen again. because today seemed like the kind of day that that would happen.
oh mummy, no wonder you've been quiet lately...
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