
When I started this blog 4 years ago, I was a new mum with a baby in front of me and running commentary in my head. I decided to document that commentary, using Morayo-Hope's voice because I was certain she must be giggling to herself as she watched my daily fashion dramas and pointless meltdowns! As the blog carried on, ideas kept popping into my head of how the blog could evolve. However, one of my biggest fears was losing the primary focus of the blog which is the diary element. Whatmummywore isn't really just about fashion, I am a mum who wears her heart on her sleeve & I hope that comes through in the posts I put out. Another is the fear of the nasty people who just looove to come and make mean comments - and my skin could be used as tracing paper. Time to toughen up I guess! 

 A couple of years ago, I attended a church service when one of my friend's babies was being dedicated. I dressed up as always - Sunday is the one day of the week that as a stay at home mum  I get to let rip! So I did! After the service another mum whose baby was being dedicated came up to say hello. I complimented her on her jumpsuit & she said "I was searching and searching for something to wear, then I said to myself don't bother, you'll never look as good as her." The "her" was me. It hurt more than I ever thought it would.

 I will never forget that day. It's the day I realised that I had really missed the point. My insecurities are the stuff of legend (and the reason I have remained static), but if I can share the little I know and make one person out there more confident in the morning, I'll be a happy mama. So be ready for a few changes around here. It'll still be a fun place to hang out, just a little more useful I hope! And to top it off, we will actually be using our youtube  channel - eek! I hate the sound of my voice so these should be interesting times. However, it's about time we get this show on the road - feel free to subscribe to it in eager anticipation of me & my tribe on screen! (PS - it is still work in progress - it will look much better once I have a good nights sleep one day and figure out what i'm doing!)

Next Monday, we start our mama crush monday series which is an opportunity for us all to be inspired by other mums who are navigating motherhood with style! I have some seriously stylish mums I stalk so please look out for the features! Are there any style / shopping  topics you'd like me to cover on the blog / youtube vids?? Please put all your suggestions in the comments below. Thanks for all your support thus far & I hope you stick around for the next phase of our journey. Morayo-Hope & Judah Iyanu will still be writing!

There is room enough in the sky for all of us to shine.

Lots of love,


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