Our Mummy Crush Monday - ZOE BOOMER
Meet our very first mummy crush, the gorgeous Zoe Boomer! She is the designer behind eponymous fashion brand Zoe Boomer, an ethical luxe clothing line with a stunning bridal line to boot. She is married to the equally cool Jay Cook & they have a gorgeous daughter named Loxi Silver.
I first met Zoe about 7 years ago at a Sisterhood event at my church. She was one of the speakers and I remember then being struck by her simple elegance and warm spirit. She just looked comfortable in her own skin. I had the opportunity to speak to her afterwards and came to find she was just as lovely away from the spotlight as she was under it! Firm favourite box for me! Fast forward a few years (and a few babies between us), and I am still following her around like a lost puppy! I fessed up to my Zoe-bsession and she kindly indulged my curiosity by divulging some of her style secrets. Read on!
Dressy Casual – mix match, understated.
Item of clothing you can't do without?
Who are your style icons / whose dress sense inspires you?
I don’t really have one. I love the idea and fantasy of dressing like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City but in reality I love scrolling through instagram and clicking on stylists/bloggers outfits and picking out looks that jump out at me. Someone's style/brand I do really like is Anine Bing. She’s all about looking stylish and comfortable being a busy mum. See the brand here: instagram / website.
Where do you tend to shop for the ever stylish Loxi?
I Love Zara Kids! I also shop the the Liberty Sale - they stock some really lovely unique brands so I try and pick up a few cute pieces! Some of the more expensive brands are great as their sizing and style work very well and Loxi has had so much wear out of them. Dresses she wore last year now work perfectly for cute tops. My husband often travels to America so he picks up some cool bold leggings and trainers which make up cool little outfits.
No mention of Zoe would be complete without talking about her huge contribution towards tackling the issue of human trafficking. She has designed a range of "FREEDOM" Tshirts, from which 25% of proceeds go directly to A21, a charity committed to abolishing slavery in the 21st Century. You can read more about it & purchase your own freedom tee HERE.
I hope you enjoyed our first #mummycrushmonday article! I loved hearing from Zoe & I can guarantee you'll be seeing me sporting some ankle boots and ripped skinny jeans very soon!
I'd Recreate Zoe's Style using these pieces:
Leather Boots £29.99 - here Skinny jeans £29.99 here

Zoe Boomer Jumper Dress here A Weathered Penny Necklace - here
I first met Zoe about 7 years ago at a Sisterhood event at my church. She was one of the speakers and I remember then being struck by her simple elegance and warm spirit. She just looked comfortable in her own skin. I had the opportunity to speak to her afterwards and came to find she was just as lovely away from the spotlight as she was under it! Firm favourite box for me! Fast forward a few years (and a few babies between us), and I am still following her around like a lost puppy! I fessed up to my Zoe-bsession and she kindly indulged my curiosity by divulging some of her style secrets. Read on!
How would you describe your style?
Dressy Casual – mix match, understated.
How have you found balancing your business and your home since becoming a mum?
Interesting. Some days it goes great, other days it’s an epic fail! But I try! I wouldn’t say I have it all together being a full time Mum to a toddler. I have quickly learnt that the day does not go the way you plan, nap time does not always happen and if it does, never seems to be at a convenient time. When her bed time comes and I have to put my work hat on, I’m so shattered all I want to-do is watch E News!! But I’ve learnt not to beat myself up. I do what I can and at the end of the day the most important thing is my daughter, so emails can wait.
Do you feel motherhood has had an impact on the way you dress?
Very much so, I’m all about skinny jeans, t-shirts and trainers, My days are very active running around after Loxi and trying to get the dog out for a walk, I’m all about comfort. Jersey has become my best friend and silk has to stay in the cupboard reserved for Date Night! I love how easily Skinny Jeans and a nice cut T-shirt/ top can be dressed up with boots, jacket and accessories. It's important that I like what I’m wearing or else can I feel so daggy and not feel great. For that reason I make sure I have a pair of trainers I really like and invest in good t-shirts.
Apart from your brand's versatile jumper dress, which other brands worked well for you in maternity?
To be honest I really didn’t buy many maternity clothes. I invested in larger baggy tops or shirts that I could wear after pregnancy. The brand COS was my treat. However I actually found for basic vests and tops, H&M was the best and most comfortable. I also got a great pair of jeans and shorts from ASOS.
What are your go-to fashion brands for work / occasions & downtime?
Of course Zoe Boomer! I wear a lot of my own clothes - especially the jumper dresses for so many different occasions. I have them in different colours / prints and find them extremely versatile. One of my favorite brands would be COS, I love the simplicity in their cuts and again great to dress up or down. For t-shirt’s I love AMERICAN VINTAGE.
How do you tend to shop for your clothes?
I actually don’t like shopping. If I need something, going out shopping stresses me out. If I have time, I do love to walk around a shop. I love that "I have to have it" feeling you get when something jumps out at you... providing I can afford it! Since having Loxi I have found it so hard to get into shops. When I do, I'm constantly telling Loxi not to touch things or bribing her with chocolate to stop a tantrum. I do buy some things online as it’s so much easier, I can try it on at home and see if it works. I still prefer to touch the fabrics and the overall experience of a shop.
Item of clothing you can't do without?
My Zoe Boomer Grey jumper dress and Flower print jumper dress.
Who are your style icons / whose dress sense inspires you?
I don’t really have one. I love the idea and fantasy of dressing like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City but in reality I love scrolling through instagram and clicking on stylists/bloggers outfits and picking out looks that jump out at me. Someone's style/brand I do really like is Anine Bing. She’s all about looking stylish and comfortable being a busy mum. See the brand here: instagram / website.
Where do you tend to shop for the ever stylish Loxi?
I Love Zara Kids! I also shop the the Liberty Sale - they stock some really lovely unique brands so I try and pick up a few cute pieces! Some of the more expensive brands are great as their sizing and style work very well and Loxi has had so much wear out of them. Dresses she wore last year now work perfectly for cute tops. My husband often travels to America so he picks up some cool bold leggings and trainers which make up cool little outfits.
Top tip for navigating motherhood in style?
Dress practically and simply but invest in good basic pieces. You don’t have to have a huge wardrobe, but a good collection of some great easy tops that don’t need much styling. Lets face it with milk, food and sticky fingers; our clothes don’t stay clean for long - and most of us don’t have time to spend ages in front of the mirror worrying if it looks ok! Also, make sure you have a comfortable pair of ankle boots. Everyday can’t be a trainer day, but if you're on your feet all day you don’t want sore feet! It's an easy way to dress a simple look up.
No mention of Zoe would be complete without talking about her huge contribution towards tackling the issue of human trafficking. She has designed a range of "FREEDOM" Tshirts, from which 25% of proceeds go directly to A21, a charity committed to abolishing slavery in the 21st Century. You can read more about it & purchase your own freedom tee HERE.
I hope you enjoyed our first #mummycrushmonday article! I loved hearing from Zoe & I can guarantee you'll be seeing me sporting some ankle boots and ripped skinny jeans very soon!
I'd Recreate Zoe's Style using these pieces:

Zoe Boomer Jumper Dress here A Weathered Penny Necklace - here
Here's to navigating this new week in style!
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