Birthday Season: Morayo-Hope is 4!
So it's been a minute. we just had birthday mayhem in our home - i'm just coming out of the coma that is party planning / party survival. I can't believe that both kids are now officially a year older - time sure does fly. This was the first year Morayo-Hope excitedly anticipated her birthday party! From September when she began at her new nursery it's been "is it my party next?!". September to June is a long time, and trying to explain the concept of months to a 3 year old is a task and a half. By January we had a calendar that we used to manage her expectations!! I'll let Morayo-Hope let you know how it went as I'm still in post-party recovery mode....
i asked mummy for a fairy party & she went for it with the fervour a dog runs after that stick in the park! i mean she threw everything at it. mummy decided she was going to make all the decorations herself...except for the fairy wings...she ordered those! apparently she's not that stupid! she made a tulle skirt for the cake table, she bought tissue paper to make balloon tassels. she printed little labels for the cups and stuck them on with the help of one of my aunties. my mama carol from australia sent in a candy floss machine to bring all dreams of "fairy floss" to fruition! sandwiches from where? no no no, mummy was going to make those herself too! she even decided she was going to make the fairy princess cake! wow! my mummy was ready to go!! i mean, superwoman who? super T is your girl!
On the day of the party, mummy arrived at the venue with a half finished cake, unmade sandwiches and ecstatic toddlers in tow. with the help of my godmother, aunty Tinashe, & some super mum friends, everything just fell into place. a little production line got underway in the kitchen & food was made. My fairy entertainer arrived and whisked me & 33 excitable little fairies plus 1 elf on a magical adventure!

by the time we finished a fairy princess cake was ready & waiting and after i blew out the candles we rushed to our seats for a yummy birthday tea. afterwards we all queued up for our candy floss freshly prepared by my uncle Busoye before getting our certificates & fairy wands! it was an adventure filled day for me & i daresay for mummy! she giggled nervously as guests complimented her on a "super & organised party!". i could have told them a thing or two....
she started singing and dancing again for the first time in a week once the last guest left. daddy shouted "she's back!", to which we all laughed!
i had a fun fairylicious 4th birthday!!
my god-sisters - ivana & carmen dancing with me after the party
what i wore:
dress & hairband - monsoon
shoes - la coqueta kids
** my god-sisters' clothes are also from monsoon :-)
our entertainer was Heidi from Perform
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