it's all about!

 mummy has decided we should move onto our own website. it's so exciting! i'm sure you've been wondering why we've been away - well, that's why. 

head on over to and you can sign up to be alerted once we move. 
notice how it's now 'whatmummywore' though? hmm..... 
wouldn't you call that rudeness? what happened to what i wore?
 never mind that i'm the real reason you all read this blog. she knows it too. anyway, she keeps rabbiting on about bringing me into this world blah blah blah so i just let her think she's in charge. 
ultimately i'll still be in charge of the content and what i write goes!

i wore:
top - baby gap (from aunty nyari)
shorts - zara baby

whilst mummy works hard getting things ready, i'm busying myself looking through pictures from the summer. here's a few from the day i was enjoying a day out at a mini steam engine park in leatherhead, surrey. having experienced the joys of eating sand and all the havoc that caused (read about it here) i decided grass might be more fun. it looked like someone had prepared a carpet of salad just for me!

p.s going back to the sand drama - mummy was suitably overjoyed to find there is now a large notice in my nursery saying: MORAYO-HOPE IS NOT ALLOWED TO EAT SAND. 
i am still trying to work out how to get back into that really is just so tasty.

p.p.s - as mummy is busy creating she's again is banned here. this is now my space! to see her, follow @whatmummywore on instagram. 

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