its been a busy couple of weeks! as you know we are busy working on our new website
whatmummywore...well, mummy is....
i just tell her 'no,no' when i don't like something. i bet you didn't realise i could talk now! yes - my speech is coming along nicely. i can now say a few things - mummy is required to interpret what these sayings are.
here is my dictionary:
aa - tiii - thank you
taaa - thank you, now give it to me
kaka - mummy (her name is tanaka so i call here kaka, or daddy when she asks me to say mummy)
daddy - daddy : pretty easy to say. that's my story and i'm sticking with it.
kaki - ducky
a ball - a ball
sooz - shoes
...and as previously stated, i have learnt to articulate 'no'.
what a magical word.
that, coupled with my shaking of the head and the occasional wagging of the finger guarantee that mummy/daddy stop whatever they are doing to annoy me. i have also discovered it comes in especially handy when they try to trick me by diverting my attention with a toy when i want my milk - i don't care that it's hot. i look them square in the face and say 'NO' and point at the bottle.
finally, when someone i'm not too sure about charges at me to try and kiss me, i can now expressly say 'NO' and wag the finger incase they are hard of hearing. should they continue stampeding in my direction, i turn my entire body away and say 'nonononononono!'. mummy is not best pleased about this latest development.
anyway, here she is feeling very pleased with her new hair!
and here i am protesting as i still have the same old hairstyle - not fair.
mummy wore:
waxed trousers - topshop (old, try these
from zara)
shirt - rugby, ralph lauren
shoes - poste mistress at office (old,)
i wore:
cord jeans - baby gap
cardi - mamas & papas
denim jacket - baby gap