happy mothers day

today we celebrated mothers day...

 mummy says there are many different types of mothers in this world.
 there are those women who are mothers by virtue of giving birth, and there are those women who take anothers children as their own and love them unconditionally.

 there are those women who provide guidance, comfort and wisdom at critical times in our lives;  and there are those women who by virtue of just being there make us feel like we can achieve, and be anything we dream.

there are those women who may never have had children of their own but make it their life's work to fight for the rights of children and other women, like the late Sally Mugabe (read about her here); or to bring a mothers touch to those in need, like Mother Theresa (read about her here)

today we celebrate one of the best of feminine attributes - that mothering instinct that is in all women.
happy mothers day to you all - my grannies, aunties, grand-aunts, godmothers and all the girls who read my blog!

mummy says one day i'll be a mummy too.......ok......take it easy mum - can i finish teething first? thanks.

**images by my awesome uncle ade - see more of his work here and here too!

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